Note: This policy should be read in conjunction with Channel 5’s Customer Care policy.
In the event of any viewer complaint about any aspect of PRTS for any Channel 5 service or promotion, all enquiries, in the first instance, should be directed to Channel 5 Viewer Enquiries.
Channel 5 operates a Viewer Enquiries team who work on a Monday to Thursday 0900 hrs-1730 hrs, and Fridays between 0900 hrs-1600 hrs. The team do not work weekends or Bank Holidays. All out of hours phone enquiries (and those received during very busy periods) are routed to voicemail and accessed either as soon as possible or by the next working day at the latest. Viewer Enquiries can be contacted by phone (020 3580 3600), email ( or by post at:
Viewer Enquiries
Channel 5
17-29 Hawley Crescent
Viewer Enquiries are the single entry point for all enquiries/complaints/comments into Channel 5 and the greater Paramount family of channels, which includes all queries pertaining to Premium Rate Services.
The Viewer Enquiries team will take note of the exact nature of the issue/complaint and escalate to the Audit & Compliance Manager, who will decide, based on the nature of the issue how to remedy the complaint/issue.
An assessment of the complaint will be made and based on whether the complaint is genuine (i.e. it is not due to any user error/user fault), a full refund will be offered for any entry to a competition or promotion. At this point, it should be noted that whilst every effort will be made to resolve all consumer ‘complaints’, it should be understood that some perceived complaints may not stand up to scrutiny in terms of technical/scheduling issues that are directly related to the management and provisioning of Channel 5’s Premium Rate Services. In making such an assessment of perceived complaints, Channel 5 will additionally take into account any disclosed vulnerabilities exhibited by an individual in assessing such queries on a case-by-case basis.
It is Channel 5’s policy to engage and clearly explain the technical reasoning behind any perceived issues encountered by an individual to facilitate the remedy of such complaints, with the potential remedy of such being a full refund.
As noted elsewhere, however, whilst Channel 5 does not operate an outright ‘no quibble’ policy it is extremely sensitive to the goodwill of the viewer/consumer and any disclosed vulnerabilities, so may (at its discretion) offer a full refund to anyone with a complaint-regardless of whether such a complaint is valid, or perceived to be valid (i.e whether it is a complaint with merit, or not).
For further information on refunds and assessed vulnerabilities, please view our Refund Policy and our Vulnerable Persons Policy.
If, in the unlikely event, Channel 5 is unable to deal with viewer complaint to the full satisfaction of the viewer, or the viewer is dissatisfied with the handling of his/her/their complaint it is recommended that the complaint is taken directly to the regulator for further, independent escalation and consideration. The regulator is Ofcom and can be contacted by any of the below options:
- 0300 123 3333 (calls to 03 numbers should cost no more than geographic 01 or 02 calls and may be part of inclusive minutes subject to your provider and your call package) or via 020 7981 3040. The Ofcom call centre is open Monday to Friday between 0900 and 1700 hrs.
- In writing to Ofcom at PO Box 1285, Warrington, WA1 9GL
Generally Authorised Person
For the avoidance of doubt, the Channel 5 contact responsible for all aspects of PRTS complaints is currently Simon O’Brien (Audit & Compliance Manager). Simon is contactable by email via