Customer Care Policy Controlled Premium Rate Services


Channel 5 operates a Viewer Enquiries team who work  on a Monday to Thursday 0900 hrs-1730 hrs, and Fridays between 0900 hrs-1600 hrs. The team do not work weekends or Bank Holidays. All out of hours phone enquiries (and those received during very busy periods) are routed to voicemail and accessed either as soon as possible or by the next working day at the latest. Viewer Enquiries can be contacted by phone (020 3580 3600), email ( or by post at:

Viewer Enquiries

Channel 5

17-29 Hawley Crescent



Details Here

Viewer Enquiries are the single entry point for all enquiries into Channel 5 and the greater Paramount family of channels, which includes all queries pertaining to Premium Rate Telephony Services (PRTS).

Standard ‘receipt of enquiry’ response times for any inbound query, by any means of incoming contact is within 1-5 working days.  During this period Viewer Enquiries will try to answer any viewer enquiries directly (if simple and easy to resolve) or expedite to the Audit & Compliance Manager, in the case of complaints, technical queries and/or billing issues. Such clearly identified PRTS enquiries will usually be expedited and dealt with within 10 working days. If there are any delays to the 10-working day window for resolution, Viewer Enquiries and/or the Audit & Compliance Manager will reach out to the consumer with a ‘holding’ statement, confirming that the query is still in process of being dealt with internally. This will continue on a rolling 5-working day period until the query is either resolved to the satisfaction of the viewer, or in the case that this is not possible, the viewer query has been passed on to the regulator.


Standard process for Viewer Enquiries, when dealing with PRTS enquiries is:

  1. If it is a telephone call query, the enquiry is logged in the internal logger and (in the case of PSMS queries) the agent will interrogate the Customer Services interface to ascertain the nature of the viewer query. If viewing the billing log and discussing the basic technical nature of the paid entry/ies to the PRTS with the viewer does not resolve any viewer query, the issue is escalated immediately (within 1 working day) to the Channel 5 Audit & Compliance Manager, who will deal with and resolve the issue by referring to Channel 5’s Complaints & Refund Policy (see separate policies for this). All enquiries are always resolved in full, according to the Complaints & Refund Policy, on the basis that the viewer has offered up sufficient information for any investigation to take place.   


2. If the query is by phone call and insufficient information is provided initially by the viewer for immediate resolution by Viewer Enquiries, the agent may ask the caller to email in writing to Viewer Enquiries with more details of the issue. Once received process 1 takes place.


3. If it is an email query, the agent will see if the enquiry can be dealt with by immediate response, or if a mobile phone number is required this is requested. At this point process 1 is initiated until resolution.


At the start of each month, Viewer Enquiries will send a summary report of all PRTS enquiries (and their outcomes/responses) that have been received during the previous month to the Audit & Compliance Manager. S/he will review all the enquiries and request more details on any unusual queries, or enquiries that were dealt with without subsequent escalation to the Audit & Compliance Manager.


Every six months an independent audit is undertaken on a sample of 10 PRTS competitions that have either opened or closed in the previous six-month period. As part of this review, the auditor requests a random sample of three months’ worth of PRTS viewer enquiry reports, provided by Viewer Enquiries. The auditor looks at the report, and the response/escalation/resolution to such reports by the Audit & Compliance Manager to satisfy him/herself that Channel 5’s own controls have been adhered to in a suitable manner.  


Promotional Material & Signposts to Viewer Enquiries

  • On air material features the following sentence, both in verbal and visual form:

Visual: Rules, winners, privacy policy & customer care at

Verbal: For rules, winners, privacy policy & customer care head to

At there is a hyperlink, which upon clicking takes the viewer to the Viewer Enquiries page.

In the event that any query cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of a viewer (and ultimately, this would mean a refund and removal of an entry/ies to a competition), Viewer Enquiries will point all complaints through to Ofcom:



  • 0300 123 3333 (calls to 03 numbers should cost no more than geographic 01 or 02 calls and may be part of inclusive minutes subject to your provider and your call package) or via 020 7981 3040. The Ofcom call centre is open Monday to Friday between 0900 and 1700 hrs.


  • Writing to Ofcom at PO Box 1285, Warrington, WA1 9GL

Viewer Enquiries and the Audit & Compliance manager will (if required) provide Ofcom with all details pertaining to the complaint, including copies of call logs and/or email interactions as necessary to resolve the issue with the regulatory body.

Generally Authorised Person

For the avoidance of doubt, the Channel 5 contact responsible for all aspects of PRTS Customer Care is currently Simon O’Brien (Audit & Compliance Manager). Simon is contactable by email via